Workshop for students of scientific advising at UAM

Logo of the Expert Title in Public Communication and Science Outreach at the Autonomous University of Madrid
icono calendario 30/04/2024
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We deliver a practical workshop on scientific and technological advising to the legislative power within the Title of Expert in Public

On April 30th, the scientific evidence officers of Oficina C held an online workshop that focused on creating a scientific and technological evidence brief for the legislative power. The workshop was attended by 19 students of the Title of Expert in Public Communication and Science Outreach at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

The workshop started with a participatory session discussing key methodological aspects in the development of scientific evidence reports. This was followed by a group work phase where the students were tasked with creating and reviewing a simplified scientific evidence brief.

Oficina C facilitated the different phases of the process through an interactive session using Jamboard. The session included collecting and synthesizing scientific evidence, developing a working structure to guide the writing process, and addressing formal and stylistic aspects of writing.