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In this micrograph we observe different crystalline microstructures formed during the synthesis of a Copper semiconductor material. The way in which the crystalline layers are stacked to form this material reminds us of the way glaciers are created.
"Glacial caves". Edition: FOTCIENCIA17. Author: María Jesús Redrejo Rodríguez. Co-authorship: Eberhardt Josue Friedrich Kernahan.

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Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología F.S.P. (FECYT)

Congreso de los Diputados

Purpose of the processing Management of the Scientific and Technological Office for the Congress of Deputies, management of participants, management of activities, management of consultations, management of surveys.
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Información adicional You can consult the additional and detailed information by clicking on this link https://pd.fecyt.es/protecciondatos/216-01en.pdf