Logo de la Oficina C


Oficina C carries out various events to disseminate and communicate its results to the scientific community, the political community, and society at large.

Team C often attends national and international conferences, training sessions, and other events and participates in presentations, debates, and discussions.

The image shows the structures of a micrograph of a material known as CIGS composed of atoms of Cu, Ga, In and Se. The microstructures seen in this electronic micrography remind us of the terraces formed in Pamukkale, Turkey where , over thousands of years the thermal waters, rich in minerals, have been forming white terraces of travertine, full of turquoise water, with stalactites and stalagmites.
"Pamukkale". Edition: FOTCIENCIA19. Author: María Jesús Redrejo Rodríguez. Coauthor: Eberhardt Josue Friedrich Kernahan.


Informes C
Graphical recording de la mesa de trabajo realizado por Marina Marisma
icono calendario 10/09/2024
icono ubicación Congreso de los Diputados

We organise a working group to draft Report C on suicide prevention, aiming to enhance the process of report preparation.

Pairing scheme
icono calendario 17/07/2024

The call for researchers to participate in the third edition of the pairing scheme, which connects the scientific community with Members of Parliament, has now been closed.

Simposio "Ecosistema de Ciencia para la Política en España"
icono calendario 12/07/2024
icono ubicación Sede del Parlamento europeo en Madrid

Oficina C attends the event "New horizons for the ecosystem of scientific advice in public administration" organised by the citizen initiative Science in Parliament

programa emparejamiento
icono calendario 10/07/2024

We are launching the third edition of the pairing scheme, which connects researchers with Members of Parliament.

The call for applications will be open from 12:00 CEST on July 10th 2024 until the same time on July 17th.

Promotional image of the semi-plenary session
icono calendario 27/06/2024
icono ubicación Sevilla

The coordinator of Oficina C participates in the semi-plenary session "Science for public policies in Spain and its impact on the social sciences" as part of the XV Spanish Congress of Sociology, organised by the Spanish Federation of Sociology (FES, by its Spanish acronym)

icono calendario 20/06/2024

Oficina C participates in a case study on science policy within REBECA Practice, a tool from the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) that helps researchers explore new career opportunities outside the academic field.