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EPTA network

The EPTA network aims to advance the establishment of technology assessment (TA) as an integral part of policy consulting in parliamentary decision-making processes in Europe, and to strengthen the links between TA units.

The image shows a mouse embryo on the eighth day of gestation. This embryo is genetically modified so that the vessel-forming endothelial cells are shown in green, the primitive heart in red, and the entire embryo in blue.e muestra un embrión de ratón en el octavo día de gestación. Este embrión está modificado genéticamente para que las células endoteliales que forman los vasos se visualicen en color verde, el corazón primitivo en rojo, y la totalidad del embrión en azul.
"Development of the primitive cardiovascular system in the mouse embryon". Edition: FOTCIENCIA18. Author: Miquel Sendra Ortola.