Working group in Congress to draft report on suicide prevention

Informes C
Graphical recording de la mesa de trabajo realizado por Marina Marisma
icono calendario 10/09/2024
icono ubicaciónCongreso de los Diputados

We organise a working group to draft Report C on suicide prevention, aiming to enhance the process of report preparation.

On 10 September, World Suicide Prevention Day, the Congress of Deputies hosted a working group to prepare the report on "Suicide Prevention," one of the topics selected by the Bureau of the Congress to gather knowledge on issues of interest to parliamentarians.

The working group was a new initiative that complemented Method C in report elaboration. This group incorporated open debate on a topic into the existing consultation process with experts. All consulted staff are acknowledged within the reports.

The working group, held behind closed doors, included the participation of a professional in graphic visualisation, who captured the main ideas presented by the experts in the infographic that accompanied this news.

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