Launch of a public consultation to collect your suggestions

We aim to identify important topics in Spanish society that can be explored from a scientific perspective, from October 14th to November 3rd.
Oficina C has launched a public consultation aimed at the entire society to gather proposals and suggestions on topics that may be relevant and that science can address.
Anyone interested, regardless of their expertise or affiliation with the scientific community, is encouraged to propose scientific topics they believe are important for Spain in the medium and long term. Submissions will be considered from a scientific perspective.
Proposals can be submitted through an online form.
The purpose of this consultation is to help identify topics that Oficina C will develop in collaboration with its Advisory Board. These topics will then be presented to the Congress Bureau, which is responsible for selecting the most relevant issues for the creation of C Reports. These reports summarize the regulatory context and compile available scientific and technological evidence, along with the implications for the topic being analysed.
The proposal submission process is open until 3rd November.
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