Course "Engage or perish: learn how to tell science to make it relevant"

Imagen del curso a cargo de María del Álamo Ortega, titulada Nuestra chica llena de ciencia
icono calendario 30/06/2023
icono ubicaciónMadrid

We host a dedicated session on scientific advice and science for public policy.

The course was organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) as part of the "Summer Courses 2023" at Carlos III University of Madrid. The training took place from June 26 to 30 and seek to enhance the communication and dissemination skills of students and scientific professionals in the field of science.

Ana Elorza, the coordinator of Oficina C at FECYT, led a session on scientific advice and highlighted the case of Oficina C in the Congress of Deputies. The course also covered additional topics such as interviews in audiovisual media, the relationship between Art, Science, and Technology, science and comedy, and science journalism.

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